Sign up for free Android API client is the video infrastructure for product builders. Lightning fast video APIs for integrating, scaling, and managing on-demand & low latency live streaming features in your app.

Project description's Android API client streamlines the coding process. Chunking files is handled for you, as is pagination and refreshing your tokens.

Getting started


Building the API client library requires:

  1. Java 1.8+
  2. Maven/Gradle


Maven users

Add this dependency to your project's POM:


Gradle users

Add this dependency to your project's build file:

implementation "video.api:android-api-client:1.6.4"


At first generate the JAR by executing:

mvn clean package

Then manually install the following JARs:

  • target/android-api-client-1.6.4.jar
  • target/lib/*.jar

Code sample

Please follow the installation instruction and execute the following Kotlin code:

// If you want to upload a video with an upload token (uploadWithUploadToken):
// if you rather like to use the sandbox environment:
// VideosApiStore.initialize(environment = Environment.SANDBOX)

val myVideoFile = File("my-video.mp4")

val workManager = WorkManager.getInstance(context) // WorkManager comes from package ""
workManager.uploadWithUploadToken("MY_UPLOAD_TOKEN", myVideoFile) // Dispatch the upload with the WorkManager


Examples that demonstrate how to use the API is provided in folder examples/.

Upload methods

To upload a video, you have 3 differents methods:

  • WorkManager: preferred method: Upload with Android WorkManager API. It supports progress notifications, upload in background, queue, reupload after lost connections. Directly use, WorkManager extensions. See example for more details.
  • UploadService: Upload with an Android Service. It supports progress notifications, upload in background, queue. You have to extend the UploadService and register it in your AndroidManifest.xml. See example for more details.
  • Direct call with ApiClient: Do not call API from the main thread, otherwise you will get an android.os.NetworkOnMainThreadException. Dispatch API calls with Thread, Executors or Kotlin coroutine to avoid this.


If your video files are located in the media store, you have to add the following permissions in your AndroidManifest.xml:

    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />

    <!-- The application requires READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE or READ_MEDIA_VIDEO to access video to upload them` -->
        android:maxSdkVersion="32" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_MEDIA_VIDEO" />

Your application also has to dynamically request the android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission to upload videos.

If your video files are located in the app-specific storage, you don't need to request any permissions nor add any permissions to your AndroidManifest.xml.


To upload with the WorkManager, you also have to add the following lines in your AndroidManifest.xml:

    <!-- The application requires POST_NOTIFICATIONS to display the upload notification -->
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.POST_NOTIFICATIONS" />

    <!-- The application requires FOREGROUND_SERVICE_DATA_SYNC for API >= 34 -->
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE_DATA_SYNC" />

        <!-- The application requires to declare a service type for API >= 34 -->
            tools:node="merge" />


To upload with the UploadService, you also have to add the following lines in your AndroidManifest.xml:

    <!-- The application requires POST_NOTIFICATIONS to display the upload notification -->
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.POST_NOTIFICATIONS" />

    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE" />

          The application requires to declare your service, replace `YourUploaderService` by the package
          of your service or by the package of `UploadService` if you directly use `UploadService`.
        <service android:name=".YourUploaderService" />


API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to


Retrieve an instance of AnalyticsApi:

val client = ApiVideoClient("YOUR_API_KEY")
val analytics =


MethodHTTP requestDescription
getAggregatedMetricsGET /data/metrics/\{metric}/{aggregation}Retrieve aggregated metrics
getMetricsBreakdownGET /data/buckets/\{metric}/{breakdown}Retrieve metrics in a breakdown of dimensions
getMetricsOverTimeGET /data/timeseries/{metric}Retrieve metrics over time


Retrieve an instance of CaptionsApi:

val client = ApiVideoClient("YOUR_API_KEY")
val captions = client.captions()


MethodHTTP requestDescription
uploadPOST /videos/\{videoId}/captions/{language}Upload a caption
getGET /videos/\{videoId}/captions/{language}Retrieve a caption
updatePATCH /videos/\{videoId}/captions/{language}Update a caption
deleteDELETE /videos/\{videoId}/captions/{language}Delete a caption
listGET /videos/\{videoId}/captionsList video captions


Retrieve an instance of ChaptersApi:

val client = ApiVideoClient("YOUR_API_KEY")
val chapters = client.chapters()


MethodHTTP requestDescription
uploadPOST /videos/\{videoId}/chapters/{language}Upload a chapter
getGET /videos/\{videoId}/chapters/{language}Retrieve a chapter
deleteDELETE /videos/\{videoId}/chapters/{language}Delete a chapter
listGET /videos/\{videoId}/chaptersList video chapters


Retrieve an instance of LiveStreamsApi:

val client = ApiVideoClient("YOUR_API_KEY")
val liveStreams = client.liveStreams()


MethodHTTP requestDescription
createPOST /live-streamsCreate live stream
getGET /live-streams/{liveStreamId}Retrieve live stream
updatePATCH /live-streams/{liveStreamId}Update a live stream
deleteDELETE /live-streams/{liveStreamId}Delete a live stream
listGET /live-streamsList all live streams
uploadThumbnailPOST /live-streams/\{liveStreamId}/thumbnailUpload a thumbnail
deleteThumbnailDELETE /live-streams/\{liveStreamId}/thumbnailDelete a thumbnail
completePUT /live-streams/\{liveStreamId}/completeComplete a live stream


Retrieve an instance of PlayerThemesApi:

val client = ApiVideoClient("YOUR_API_KEY")
val playerThemes = client.playerThemes()


MethodHTTP requestDescription
createPOST /playersCreate a player
getGET /players/{playerId}Retrieve a player
updatePATCH /players/{playerId}Update a player
deleteDELETE /players/{playerId}Delete a player
listGET /playersList all player themes
uploadLogoPOST /players/\{playerId}/logoUpload a logo
deleteLogoDELETE /players/\{playerId}/logoDelete logo


Retrieve an instance of TagsApi:

val client = ApiVideoClient("YOUR_API_KEY")
val tags = client.tags()


MethodHTTP requestDescription
listGET /tagsList all video tags


Retrieve an instance of UploadTokensApi:

val client = ApiVideoClient("YOUR_API_KEY")
val uploadTokens = client.uploadTokens()


MethodHTTP requestDescription
createTokenPOST /upload-tokensGenerate an upload token
getTokenGET /upload-tokens/{uploadToken}Retrieve upload token
deleteTokenDELETE /upload-tokens/{uploadToken}Delete an upload token
listGET /upload-tokensList all active upload tokens


Retrieve an instance of VideosApi:

val client = ApiVideoClient("YOUR_API_KEY")
val videos = client.videos()


MethodHTTP requestDescription
createPOST /videosCreate a video object
uploadPOST /videos/\{videoId}/sourceUpload a video
uploadWithUploadTokenPOST /uploadUpload with an delegated upload token
getGET /videos/{videoId}Retrieve a video object
updatePATCH /videos/{videoId}Update a video object
deleteDELETE /videos/{videoId}Delete a video object
listGET /videosList all video objects
uploadThumbnailPOST /videos/\{videoId}/thumbnailUpload a thumbnail
pickThumbnailPATCH /videos/\{videoId}/thumbnailSet a thumbnail
getDiscardedGET /discarded/videos/{videoId}Retrieve a discarded video object
getStatusGET /videos/\{videoId}/statusRetrieve video status and details
listDiscardedGET /discarded/videosList all discarded video objects
updateDiscardedPATCH /discarded/videos/{videoId}Update a discarded video object


Retrieve an instance of WatermarksApi:

val client = ApiVideoClient("YOUR_API_KEY")
val watermarks = client.watermarks()


MethodHTTP requestDescription
uploadPOST /watermarksUpload a watermark
deleteDELETE /watermarks/{watermarkId}Delete a watermark
listGET /watermarksList all watermarks


Retrieve an instance of WebhooksApi:

val client = ApiVideoClient("YOUR_API_KEY")
val webhooks = client.webhooks()


MethodHTTP requestDescription
createPOST /webhooksCreate Webhook
getGET /webhooks/{webhookId}Retrieve Webhook details
deleteDELETE /webhooks/{webhookId}Delete a Webhook
listGET /webhooksList all webhooks

Documentation for Models

Rate Limiting implements rate limiting to ensure fair usage and stability of the service. The API provides the rate limit values in the response headers for any API requests you make. The /auth endpoint is the only route without rate limitation.

In this client, you can access these headers by using the *WithHttpInfo() or *Async versions of the methods. These methods return the ApiResponse that contains the response body and the headers, allowing you to check the X-RateLimit-Limit, X-RateLimit-Remaining, and X-RateLimit-Retry-After headers to understand your current rate limit status. Read more about these response headers in the API reference.

Here is an example of how to use these methods:

When listening to the WorkInfo with the WorkManager, you can access the headers in the OutputData of the WorkInfo:

val headers = workInfo.outputData.toHeaders()
Log.i(TAG, "X-RateLimit-Limit: ${headers["x-ratelimit-limit"]!![0]}")
Log.i(TAG, "X-RateLimit-Remaining: ${headers["x-ratelimit-remaining"]!![0]}")
Log.i(TAG, "X-RateLimit-Retry-After: ${headers["x-ratelimit-retry-after"]!![0]}")


API key

Most endpoints required to be authenticated using the API key mechanism described in our documentation.

On Android, you must NOT store your API key in your application code to prevent your API key from being exposed in your source code. Only the Public endpoints can be called without authentication. In the case, you want to call an endpoint that requires authentication, you will have to use a backend server. See Security best practices for more details.

Public endpoints

Some endpoints don't require authentication. These one can be called with a client instantiated without API key:

val client = ApiVideoClient()


It's recommended to create an instance of ApiClient per thread in a multithreaded environment to avoid any potential issues. For direct call with ApiClient: Do not call API from the main thread, otherwise you will get a android.os.NetworkOnMainThreadException. Dispatch API calls with Thread, Executors or Kotlin coroutine to avoid this. Alternatively, APIs come with an asynchronous counterpart (createAsync for create) except for the upload endpoint.

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Since this API client is generated from an OpenAPI description, we cannot accept pull requests made directly to the repository. If you want to contribute, you can open a pull request on the repository of our client generator. Otherwise, you can also simply open an issue detailing your need on this repository.

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