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iOS uploader

Getting started



Specify it in your Cartfile:

github "apivideo/" ~> 1.2.2

Run carthage update


Add pod 'ApiVideoUploader', '1.2.2' in your Podfile

Run pod install

Code sample

Please follow the installation instruction and execute the following Swift code:

import ApiVideoUploader

    // If you rather like to use the sandbox environment:
    // ApiVideoUploader.basePath = Environment.sandbox.rawValue
    // If you rather like to upload with your "YOUR_API_KEY" (upload)
    // ApiVideoUploader.apiKey = "YOUR_API_KEY"

    try VideosAPI.uploadWithUploadToken(token: "MY_VIDEO_TOKEN", file: url) { video, error in
        if let video = video {
            // Manage upload with upload token success here
        if let error = error {
            // Manage upload with upload token error here


API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to


Retrieve an instance of VideosAPI:



MethodHTTP requestDescription
uploadPOST /videos/{videoId}/sourceUpload a video
uploadWithUploadTokenPOST /uploadUpload with an delegated upload token


Documentation for Authorization

API key

Most endpoints required to be authenticated using the API key mechanism described in our documentation. The access token generation mechanism is automatically handled by the client. All you have to do is provide an API key:

ApiVideoUploader.apiKey = YOUR_API_KEY

Public endpoints

Some endpoints don't require authentication. These one can be called without setting ApiVideoUploader.apiKey:

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