api.video Player features


Some features of the api.video player may be activated with URL fragments.
In other words, it means that the Api Video embed (iFrame) source URL may be completed by query parameters introduced by a hash (#).

Here is the example of a Api Video embed code:

<iframe src="https://embed.api.video/vod/vi54sj9dAakOHJXKrUycCQZp" class="av_player" width="1280" height="720" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" allowfullscreen></iframe>

The source URL is https://embed.api.video/vod/vi54sj9dAakOHJXKrUycCQZp.
Any fragment must be appended to the end of this URL after a hash #.

Example : https://embed.api.video/vod/vi54sj9dAakOHJXKrUycCQZp#autoplay

Multiple fragments may be concatenated with a semi-colon ;. For example, this video will autoplay and loop.
Example : https://embed.api.video/vod/vi54sj9dAakOHJXKrUycCQZp#autoplay;loop

1. Autoplay

To launch video as soon as the player can, use #autoplay.

2. Defined playback times

To start a video from x, use: #t=x.
To start a video from x and pause it at y, use: #t=x,y.
To start from the beginning and pause at y, use: #t=,y.
Time may be expressed in the following formats:

  • ss (eg. 120 for 2 minutes)
  • mm:ss (ex. 2:30 for two minutes and a half)
  • hh:mm:ss (ex. 1:30:00 for one hour and a half)

For example, this video will play from time =10 -> 15.

3. Allow API

To allow player to listen to API calls, use #api

4. Hide video title

To hide the Player's title that is displayed on the bottom left corner of the poster, use #hide-title.

5. Hide controls

To hide the Player's control bar, use #hide-controls.

Note that you need to integrate your own player controls if you hide the default api.video Player controls.

6. Loop

Video will play to end and automatically restart. This example will autoplay and loop, imitating an animated GIF:

7. Show captions

If your video has captions, you can make them appear by default by adding the #show-subtitles url parameter to the player url:

Showing video captions in the api.video player

8. Download

For mp4 links, adding the dl=1 parameter will force the video to download, instead of playing in the browser.

9. In-stream ads

You can pass the VAST, VMAP or VPAID tags with the player URL. With the embedded player link, just pass in the additional URL fragment:


For example:


For more details, navigate to the dedicated documentation page for in-stream ads.

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