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Admin API

The Admin API is a tool that enables you to directly manage your projects and API keys through a secure API. This is a robust solution with a simple goal: to make it easy for you to manage your projects and thus your users, and their access to your platform on a programmatic level.

Some examples where the Admin API can be especially useful:

  • when you want to segment your user base and measure usage more granularly
  • when you work with multiple clients and want to enable them separate access to different projects
  • when you have users needing different folders/projects

Server URL

You should direct each HTTP call to the Admin API through this server URL:


The Admin API offers 2 sets of endpoints: /projects and /api-keys. In general, the Projects endpoints enable you to programmatically list all your projects, get a specific project, and to create or update a project, while the API keys endpoints enable you to programmatically list all your API keys, get a specific API key, and to create, update, or delete an API key.

Knowing your hosting and delivery usage

The Admin API enables you to programmatically retrieve accurate delievery and hosting usage data per project. This is the same data that uses to calculate pricing based on your usage.

This level of granularity is especially useful if you manage multiple clients or projects and want to accurately measure and segment their individual usage.

You can retrieve delivery usage data for live streams, HLS videos, and mp4 videos within a specific project. You can also retrieve hosting usage data for all your videos across a specific project. Both sets of data can be filtered for the past 7 or 30 days in a daily breakdown.

Check out the dedicated Usage endpoints for more details!


This API uses Basic HTTP authentication scheme, which requires an admin API key to interact with the Admin API. This API key is different from your individual projects’ API keys as it’s one level above them.

Contact the Customer support team to request your admin API key.

The basic authentication requires adding an HTTP header in your request:

Authorization: Basic $base64Credentials

Where $base64Credentials is the concatenation of your API key and :, then base 64 encoded.

The credentials for the Admin API are in the form username:password, where the API key acts as the username and password is left empty.

Example authentication

curl --request GET \
     --url \
     --header 'Authorization: Basic {$adminApiKey}' \

Interacting with the Admin API

  • The API uses the REST approach: JSON requests and responses over HTTP.
  • Every property you define in your requests should be in snake_case.

Your calls to the Admin API are rate limited at 10 requests / second.

Example: create a project with Admin API

When you create a project through the Admin API, you also have to create at least one related API key for it. You can use this simple workflow:

  1. Create the project

    Use the Create project endpoint to create a project in the hosting region you prefer:

    curl --request POST \
       --url \
       --header 'Accept: application/json' \
       --header 'Authorization: Basic {$adminApiKey}' \
       --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
       --data '
            "name": "My Programmatically Created Project",
            "region": "eu-central-1"

  2. Check the response

    The API returns a 201 - Project created successfully response with the ID of the project you just created:

      "project_id": "{Your new project's ID}",
      "created_at": "2024-08-10T17:32:28Z",
      "name": "My Programmatically Created Project",
      "region": "eu-central-1"

  3. Create the API key

    Use the project_id as the path parameter for the Create API key endpoint to create an API key tied to your new project:

    curl --request POST \
       --url{Your new project's ID}/api-keys \
       --header 'Accept: application/json' \
       --header 'Authorization: Basic {$adminApiKey}' \
       --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
       --data '
            "name": "My API key"

  4. Interact with the API

    The API returns a 201 - API key created successfully response where the value field holds your API key:

      "project_id": "{Your new project's ID}",
      "api_key_id": "{Your new API key's ID}",
      "created_at": "2024-08-10T18:32:28Z",
      "name": "My API key",
      "value": "{The value of your actual API key}"

    You're done! You can now use the API key you created to interact with your new project.


All lists in the API’s responses are paginated. The default page size is 20 records, and the maximum page size is 100 records. You can define page size in your requests.

Paged responses include links under the links object. These links help you navigate the paginated list of results:

  • "rel": "previous" links to the previous page, when the current page is more than 1
  • "rel": "self” links to the current page
  • "rel": "next" links to the next page when the list has more items. This is useful for building infinite scroll.

For example, if you want to retrieve the next page of results, you can make another request with the page number, which you can pull from the links object with the value of rel: "next" value.

A call to GET will give you the next 20 videos.

  • Default page size: 20 records
  • Max page size: 100 records

Paged responses do not include the total number of items. To get the count for total number of items, make a separate API call to the /count operation. This enables the Admin API to have better responsiveness when listing large amounts of data.

Pagination example

        "items": [...],
        "pagination": {...},
        "links": [
                "rel": "self",
                "href": "/projects?page_size=20&name=aaa&sort_by=name&sort_order=desc&page=1"
                "rel": "next",
                "href": "/projects?page_size=20&name=aaa&sort_by=name&sort_order=desc&page=2"

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