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Create And Manage Webhooks provides you the possibility to get a POST request to your server that contains a JSON payload with event data. Webhooks can push notifications directly to your server, saving you the need to poll for changes.

Webhook events

live-stream.broadcast.startedTriggers to indicate that a live stream broadcast has started.
live-stream.broadcast.endedTriggers to indicate that a live stream broadcast has ended.
video.source.recordedTriggers to indicate that a live stream has been completed and the recording of the live stream (if you set it to record) is ready to be transcoded. NOTE: This means the video has been enqueued for transcoding.
video.encoding.quality.completedTriggers when you upload a video, every time finishes encoding a video in a set quality (up to the same level of quality that you uploaded), you get an announcement about it.

Hereโ€™s how the video.encoding webhookโ€™s flow looks like:

A diagram that shows the video.encoding webhook flowA diagram that shows the video.encoding webhook flow

Event properties offers the following webhook events that you can set up webhooks for:


Triggers to indicate that a live stream broadcast has started.

PropertyTypeDescriptionExample value
typestringthe webhook typelive-stream.broadcast.started
emittedAtdatetimetimestamp when the request was emitted from api.video2023-05-23T09:29:02.154104779Z
liveStreamIdstringthe live stream idli3VbBGc4e6njqw7fRrELvKl


Triggers to indicate that a live stream broadcast has ended.

PropertyTypeDescriptionExample value
typestringthe webhook typelive-stream.broadcast.ended
emittedAtdatetimetimestamp when the request was emitted from api.video2023-05-23T09:29:02.154104779Z
liveStreamIdstringthe live stream idli3VbBGc4e6njqw7fRrELvKl


Triggers to indicate that a live stream has completed and the recording of the live stream (if you set it to record) is ready to be transcoded. NOTE: This means the video has been enqueued for transcoding.

PropertyTypeDescriptionExample value
typestringthe webhook typevideo.source.recorded
emittedAtdatetimetimestamp when the request was emitted from api.video2023-05-23T09:29:02.154104779Z
liveStreamIdstringthe live stream idli3VbBGc4e6njqw7fRrELvKl
videoIdstringthe video id of the recorded streamviXXXXXXXX


Triggers when you upload a video, every time finishes encoding a video in a set quality (up to the same level of quality that you uploaded), you get an announcement about it.

PropertyTypeDescriptionExample value
typestringthe webhook typevideo.encoding.quality.completed
emittedAtdatetimetimestamp when the request was emitted from api.video2023-05-23T09:29:02.154104779Z
videoIdstringThe ID of the video that was encoded.viXXXXXXXX
encodingstringThe asset that the encoding was finished for. There are two types of assets that you will receive in the encoding:
- MP4
qualitystringThe quality of the video was transcoded to the current encoding.

The MP4 asset will only be transcoded once, hence you will receive a webhook only once for the MP4 asset with the final source quality. While the HLS asset webhook will be emitted multiple times with each quality (from the lowest 240p) to the highest of the source (up to 4k).

For example, if you've uploaded a video where the source quality is 720p. You will receive 5 webhooks in total:

- 1 webhook with 720p quality for the MP4 encoding
- 4 webhooks for 240p, 360p, 480p and 720p for the HLS encoding



You can test your webhooks with tools like Pipedream. These tools enable you to test that sends the correct webhook events, and ensure that webhooks arrive to your server.

Retry policy

Webhook retry policy

api.videoโ€™s webhook service makes 3 notification attempts, with 3 second intervals between each try.

Choose an client

The clients offered by include:

To install your selected client, do the following:

Installing the client
go get

Create an account

Before you can start creating webhooks, you need to create an account.

Once you are logged in to the Dashboard, select the environment of your choice (sandbox or production) and copy your API key.

Create a webhook

To create a webhook, all you have to do is set up your server and provide with the URL you want events sent to and the list of events you wish to be sent to that URL.

Creating a webhook
curl --request POST \
     --url \
     --header 'Accept: application/json' \
     --header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJpYXQiOjE2NDI4MjQzMTkuMDk2NjY1LCJuYmYiOjE2NDI4MjQzMTkuMDk2NjY1LCJleHAiOjE2NDI4Mjc5MTkuMDk2NjY1LCJwcm9qZWN0SWQiOiJwclJ6SUpKQTdCTHNxSGpTNDVLVnBCMSJ9.rfchf3btbMTzSukcwhUS0u4fNY4Q3g1JpoMeIz_Dls1ADmqDdKw7yBOE893C7cagb0lpuvUJvhuhgusLStsJ4nqzTveDeM2oPBQBNJjzwaJZNrImTPD4mif7Tzgxvn1_jQJA5L4gQhjd7frCIJW1yAwywrtiDPbxiWNp8fVl7r_QILjZZfslxy-kblPrHJ20Zix9VURqkGIORY5G_457nHSV9Atks1sUlt49E8b_g3jORja3MnznXBS0-0dksz2K62-QMe1_dk78V9JwbLeydqcr15M1jDLA3H6qFGI7GTsTDdZ5jKLhg5OR6yeSHFysqr3kOteTqAGdp3JuTrpZIA' \
     --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
     --data '{"events": [
		"live-stream.broadcast.started", "live-stream.broadcast.ended", "video.encoding.quality.completed"
     "url": ""

List all webhooks

After you create webhooks, you can retrieve a complete list of the URLs and associated events going to them with this code sample:

Listing all webhooks
curl --request GET \
     --url '' \
     --header 'Accept: application/json' \
     --header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJpYXQiOjE2NDI4MjQzMTkuMDk2NjY1LCJuYmYiOjE2NDI4MjQzMTkuMDk2NjY1LCJleHAiOjE2NDI4Mjc5MTkuMDk2NjY1LCJwcm9qZWN0SWQiOiJwclJ6SUpKQTdCTHNxSGpTNDVLVnBCMSJ9.rfchf3btbMTzSukcwhUS0u4fNY4Q3g1JpoMeIz_Dls1ADmqDdKw7yBOE893C7cagb0lpuvUJvhuhgusLStsJ4nqzTveDeM2oPBQBNJjzwaJZNrImTPD4mif7Tzgxvn1_jQJA5L4gQhjd7frCIJW1yAwywrtiDPbxiWNp8fVl7r_QILjZZfslxy-kblPrHJ20Zix9VURqkGIORY5G_457nHSV9Atks1sUlt49E8b_g3jORja3MnznXBS0-0dksz2K62-QMe1_dk78V9JwbLeydqcr15M1jDLA3H6qFGI7GTsTDdZ5jKLhg5OR6yeSHFysqr3kOteTqAGdp3JuTrpZIA'

Show a webhook

You can retrieve details about a specific webhook, including the URL and associated events, by sending a request with the unique webhook ID using this code sample:

Showing a webhook
curl --request GET \
     --url \
     --header 'Accept: application/json' \
     --header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJpYXQiOjE2NDI4MjQzMTkuMDk2NjY1LCJuYmYiOjE2NDI4MjQzMTkuMDk2NjY1LCJleHAiOjE2NDI4Mjc5MTkuMDk2NjY1LCJwcm9qZWN0SWQiOiJwclJ6SUpKQTdCTHNxSGpTNDVLVnBCMSJ9.rfchf3btbMTzSukcwhUS0u4fNY4Q3g1JpoMeIz_Dls1ADmqDdKw7yBOE893C7cagb0lpuvUJvhuhgusLStsJ4nqzTveDeM2oPBQBNJjzwaJZNrImTPD4mif7Tzgxvn1_jQJA5L4gQhjd7frCIJW1yAwywrtiDPbxiWNp8fVl7r_QILjZZfslxy-kblPrHJ20Zix9VURqkGIORY5G_457nHSV9Atks1sUlt49E8b_g3jORja3MnznXBS0-0dksz2K62-QMe1_dk78V9JwbLeydqcr15M1jDLA3H6qFGI7GTsTDdZ5jKLhg5OR6yeSHFysqr3kOteTqAGdp3JuTrpZIA'

Delete a webhook

You can delete a webhook using its unique ID with this code sample:

Deleting a webhook
curl --request DELETE \
     --url \
     --header 'Accept: application/json' \
     --header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJpYXQiOjE2NDI4MjQzMTkuMDk2NjY1LCJuYmYiOjE2NDI4MjQzMTkuMDk2NjY1LCJleHAiOjE2NDI4Mjc5MTkuMDk2NjY1LCJwcm9qZWN0SWQiOiJwclJ6SUpKQTdCTHNxSGpTNDVLVnBCMSJ9.rfchf3btbMTzSukcwhUS0u4fNY4Q3g1JpoMeIz_Dls1ADmqDdKw7yBOE893C7cagb0lpuvUJvhuhgusLStsJ4nqzTveDeM2oPBQBNJjzwaJZNrImTPD4mif7Tzgxvn1_jQJA5L4gQhjd7frCIJW1yAwywrtiDPbxiWNp8fVl7r_QILjZZfslxy-kblPrHJ20Zix9VURqkGIORY5G_457nHSV9Atks1sUlt49E8b_g3jORja3MnznXBS0-0dksz2K62-QMe1_dk78V9JwbLeydqcr15M1jDLA3H6qFGI7GTsTDdZ5jKLhg5OR6yeSHFysqr3kOteTqAGdp3JuTrpZIA'


Deleting a webhook is a permanent action and deleted webhooks cannot be recovered.

Next steps

You can also use the Get video status endpoint operation to check whether a video is uploaded and ready for playback.

Visit the API reference for a complete list of webhook endpoint operations.

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