Add A Permanent Watermark gives you the ability to add permanent watermarks to your videos.
Watermarks provide benefits in various contexts. Watermarks can protect your intellectual property, prevent fraud, and promote branding. Here are some of the key benefits of using watermarks:
- Deter unauthorized use
- Prevent copyright infringement
- Brand promotion
- Establish authenticity
Overall, watermarks can be an effective way to protect intellectual property, establish authenticity, and promote branding, among other benefits.
How watermarks work
Watermarks are uploaded separately from videos. You will need to upload the watermarks you want to utilize beforehand, after the watermark is uploaded it is attached to a video object, and eventually as soon as the video is uploaded to the object, the watermark is embedded in the video
- You can only add watermarks when creating a new video object.
- You cannot delete or edit watermarks after you add them to a video.
Supported Image formats
You can upload watermarks either in jpeg
or png
format, however it is highly recommended to use png
due to the fact that png
supports alpha channel.
Create an account
Before you can start uploading your first video, you need to create an account.
Once you are logged in to the Dashboard, select the environment of your choice (sandbox or production) and copy your API key.
Installation & Usage
The clients offered by include:
To install your selected client, do the following:
go get
composer require api-video/php-api-client
npm install --save
...or with yarn:
yarn add
pip install
Using Nuget
Install-Package ApiVideo
Upload a watermark
First step, would be to upload a watermark. It is recommended to use images that are in jpeg
or png
format. Once the watermark has been uploaded, you can proceed in embedding it in a video.
When the upload is complete, the response from the watermark endpoint will be the watermark id. You can either store it on your end or you can consume it from the list of watermarks. will only store the watermark id and the time and date it was uploaded. If you would like to reference the watermark to a specific image name, you would have to do that on your end.
More information can be found on the API reference page
curl --request POST \
--url \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJpYXQiOjE2NDI4MDUyNzEuOTEyODMsIm5iZiI6MTY0MjgwNTI3MS45MTI4MywiZXhwIjoxNjQyODA4ODcxLjkxMjgzLCJwcm9qZWN0SWQiOiJwclJ6SUpKQTdCTHNxSGpTNDVLVnBCMSJ9.jTiB29R_sg5dqCDBU8wrnz7GRJsCzfVeLVTX-XSctS024B9OmGsuY139s2ua1HzrT63sqkBB1QshrjZbkDLVxSrs0-gt-FaM2bgvCC0lqK1HzEUL4vN2OqPPuM8R2pruj0UdGVaifGqmyfehKcHxuNr0ijGmGIMwSXkabECbXCxm7LraRCgmlobHepuXcUPeUKzKxN5LwPSO1onD684S0FtUUYbVMq9Ik7V8UznbpOjmFaknIZowKKlCkTmgKcyLSq7IaPJd7UuDJVXJDiC49oImEInrjx1xuFbyoBz_wkZlwcgk9GjksTeSz4xzBLcyzVgCwGP2hs8_BtdslXXOrA' \
--header 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' \
--form file=@pic.jpg
package main
import (
apivideosdk ""
func main() {
client := apivideosdk.ClientBuilder("YOUR_API_TOKEN").Build()
// if you rather like to use the sandbox environment:
// client := apivideosdk.SandboxClientBuilder("YOU_SANDBOX_API_TOKEN").Build()
file := os.NewFile(1234, "some_file") // *os.File | The .jpg or .png image to be added as a watermark.
res, err := client.Watermarks.UploadFile(file)
// you can also use a Reader instead of a File:
// client.Watermarks.Upload(fileName, fileReader)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error when calling `Watermarks.Upload``: %v\n", err)
// response from `Upload`: Watermark
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "Response from `Watermarks.Upload`: %v\n", res)
const ApiVideoClient = require('');
(async () => {
try {
const client = new ApiVideoClient({ apiKey: "YOUR_API_TOKEN" });
const file = 'BINARY_DATA_HERE'; // The .jpg or .png image to be added as a watermark.
// Watermark
const result = await client.watermarks.upload(file);
} catch (e) {
import apivideo
from apivideo.apis import WatermarksApi
from apivideo.apis import VideosApi
from import Video
from apivideo.model.bad_request import BadRequest
from pprint import pprint
client = apivideo.AuthenticatedApiClient("your API key here")
watermarks_api = WatermarksApi(client)
file = open('your_watermark_here.png', 'rb') # file_type | The .jpg or .png image to be added as a watermark.
api_response = watermarks_api.upload(file)
watermark_id = api_response['watermark_id']
videos_api = VideosApi(client)
video_creation_payload = {
"title":"Sample video",
"description": "Show a watermarked video",
"watermark": {
"id": watermark_id,
api_response = videos_api.create(video_creation_payload)
video_id = api_response["video_id"]
file = open("video_to_watermark.mp4", "rb")
video_response = videos_api.upload(video_id, file)
print("Uploaded Video", video_response)
List all watermarks
You can list all of the watermarks that you have uploaded, while also sorting by date or id.
curl --request GET \
--url \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJpYXQiOjE2NDI4MDk2MzIuNTQ2MDg5LCJuYmYiOjE2NDI4MDk2MzIuNTQ2MDg5LCJleHAiOjE2NDI4MTMyMzIuNTQ2MDg5LCJwcm9qZWN0SWQiOiJwclJ6SUpKQTdCTHNxSGpTNDVLVnBCMSJ9.J0cMjE7DNwTGvu3cprGpg5R5IHVDHip80ruWaCN57e9jDoJ4FK51Zkk2ynxhb1SqvutYi-hpnmOzqbPUFPjspLjTVbn0sUskKvGRst2gO2vNllHtIzNTlKKLMA_Sa_zi7hK5_XfuNod-B0SqeH106oAqe1FWkZjc7PMuqOzKS3dIqih0PczsbBQWWgQ3Fh-LtHxVVmdY_egq9i-t1fD5JCD812CHAK1HsxpAkpcAmpJptomORbq72tmEmgFfFUEJ8lalROM2_7ZDLvCdHxDYpA6_j5Z6k1y6Z_OjOsLg_mmiFymAT-DpUib2oOQyj2efIMo-OvdfNJhQRAcUMAUZyw'
package main
import (
apivideosdk ""
func main() {
client := apivideosdk.ClientBuilder("YOUR_API_TOKEN").Build()
// if you rather like to use the sandbox environment:
// client := apivideosdk.SandboxClientBuilder("YOU_SANDBOX_API_TOKEN").Build()
req := apivideosdk.WatermarksApiListRequest{}
req.SortBy("createdAt") // string | Allowed: createdAt. You can search by the time watermark were created at.
req.SortOrder("asc") // string | Allowed: asc, desc. asc is ascending and sorts from A to Z. desc is descending and sorts from Z to A.
req.CurrentPage(int32(2)) // int32 | Choose the number of search results to return per page. Minimum value: 1 (default to 1)
req.PageSize(int32(30)) // int32 | Results per page. Allowed values 1-100, default is 25. (default to 25)
res, err := client.Watermarks.List(req)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error when calling `Watermarks.List``: %v\n", err)
// response from `List`: WatermarksListResponse
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "Response from `Watermarks.List`: %v\n", res)
const ApiVideoClient = require('');
(async () => {
try {
const client = new ApiVideoClient({ apiKey: "YOUR_API_TOKEN" });
const sortBy = 'createdAt'; // Allowed: createdAt. You can search by the time watermark were created at.
const sortOrder = 'asc'; // Allowed: asc, desc. asc is ascending and sorts from A to Z. desc is descending and sorts from Z to A.
const currentPage = '2'; // Choose the number of search results to return per page. Minimum value: 1
const pageSize = '30'; // Results per page. Allowed values 1-100, default is 25.
// WatermarksListResponse
const result = await client.watermarks.list({ sortBy, sortOrder, currentPage, pageSize })
} catch (e) {
## List all watermarks
import apivideo
from apivideo.apis import WatermarksApi
from apivideo.exceptions import ApiAuthException
api_key = "your api key here"
client = apivideo.AuthenticatedApiClient(api_key)
## If you'd rather use the sandbox environment:
## client = apivideo.AuthenticatedApiClient(api_key, production=False)
watermark_api = WatermarksApi(client)
## List all watermark details
response = watermark_api.list()
More information about the endpoint can be found here
Add a watermark to a video using a watermark ID
Once the watermark is uploaded, you can use the watermark id in order to attach the watermark to a video object.
The watermark property in the video object creation payload is an object, that contains the following fields:
curl --request POST \
--url \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJpYXQiOjE2NDI4MDk2MzIuNTQ2MDg5LCJuYmYiOjE2NDI4MDk2MzIuNTQ2MDg5LCJleHAiOjE2NDI4MTMyMzIuNTQ2MDg5LCJwcm9qZWN0SWQiOiJwclJ6SUpKQTdCTHNxSGpTNDVLVnBCMSJ9.J0cMjE7DNwTGvu3cprGpg5R5IHVDHip80ruWaCN57e9jDoJ4FK51Zkk2ynxhb1SqvutYi-hpnmOzqbPUFPjspLjTVbn0sUskKvGRst2gO2vNllHtIzNTlKKLMA_Sa_zi7hK5_XfuNod-B0SqeH106oAqe1FWkZjc7PMuqOzKS3dIqih0PczsbBQWWgQ3Fh-LtHxVVmdY_egq9i-t1fD5JCD812CHAK1HsxpAkpcAmpJptomORbq72tmEmgFfFUEJ8lalROM2_7ZDLvCdHxDYpA6_j5Z6k1y6Z_OjOsLg_mmiFymAT-DpUib2oOQyj2efIMo-OvdfNJhQRAcUMAUZyw' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '
"public": true,
"panoramic": false,
"mp4Support": true,
"watermark": {
"id": "watermark_1Bhes1otLhmPPNenUDyvHV",
"opacity": "70%",
"height": "20%",
"right": "15px",
"source": "",
"title": "Video with a watermark"
import apivideo
from apivideo.api import videos_api
from apivideo.model.video_creation_payload import VideoCreationPayload
from apivideo.model.bad_request import BadRequest
from import Video
from pprint import pprint
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with apivideo.AuthenticatedApiClient(__API_KEY__) as api_client:
# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = videos_api.VideosApi(api_client)
video_creation_payload = VideoCreationPayload(
title="Maths video",
description="A video about string theory.",
tags=["maths", "string theory", "video"],
) # VideoCreationPayload | video to create
# example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
# Create a video
api_response = api_instance.create(video_creation_payload)
except apivideo.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling VideosApi->create: %s\n" % e)
Delete a watermark
To delete a watermark, send the unique watermark ID to the watermarks endpoint. Deletion is permanent, you will not be able to retrieve the watermark after completing this request.
curl --request DELETE \
--url \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJpYXQiOjE2NDI4MDk2MzIuNTQ2MDg5LCJuYmYiOjE2NDI4MDk2MzIuNTQ2MDg5LCJleHAiOjE2NDI4MTMyMzIuNTQ2MDg5LCJwcm9qZWN0SWQiOiJwclJ6SUpKQTdCTHNxSGpTNDVLVnBCMSJ9.J0cMjE7DNwTGvu3cprGpg5R5IHVDHip80ruWaCN57e9jDoJ4FK51Zkk2ynxhb1SqvutYi-hpnmOzqbPUFPjspLjTVbn0sUskKvGRst2gO2vNllHtIzNTlKKLMA_Sa_zi7hK5_XfuNod-B0SqeH106oAqe1FWkZjc7PMuqOzKS3dIqih0PczsbBQWWgQ3Fh-LtHxVVmdY_egq9i-t1fD5JCD812CHAK1HsxpAkpcAmpJptomORbq72tmEmgFfFUEJ8lalROM2_7ZDLvCdHxDYpA6_j5Z6k1y6Z_OjOsLg_mmiFymAT-DpUib2oOQyj2efIMo-OvdfNJhQRAcUMAUZyw'
const ApiVideoClient = require('');
(async () => {
try {
const client = new ApiVideoClient({ apiKey: "YOUR_API_TOKEN" });
const watermarkId = 'watermark_1BWr2L5MTQwxGkuxKjzh6i'; // The watermark ID for the watermark you want to delete.
// void
const result = await client.watermarks.delete(watermarkId);
} catch (e) {
## Delete a watermark using its ID
import apivideo
from apivideo.apis import WaterkmarksApi
from apivideo.exceptions import ApiAuthException
api_key = "your api key here"
watermark = "your watermark ID here"
client = apivideo.AuthenticatedApiClient(api_key)
## If you'd rather use the sandbox environment:
## client = apivideo.AuthenticatedApiClient(api_key, production=False)
watermarks_api = WatermarksApi(client)
## Delete the watermark
response = watermarks_api.delete(watermark)